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Server Side Rendering

To create SSR (Server-Side Rendering), we have four main steps:

  1. Create the TSX or function component.
  2. Create a hydration file for the component and build it with esbuild.
  3. Attach the built component to the HTML layout.
  4. Render the final HTML layout and component from the server.

We've already streamlined these steps. All you need to prepare are the component, layout, and entry point.

Create component modules/web/hello.tsx

export const hello = () => {
  return <h1>Hello</h1>;

Create layout modules/web/app.layout.tsx

import { LayoutProps } from "";

export function layout(
  { data, children }: LayoutProps<{ title: string }>,
) {
  return (
      <body id="root">

Create entry point main.ts

import fastro from "";
import { layout } from "$fastro/modules/web/app.layout.tsx";
import hello from "$fastro/modules/web/";

const f = new fastro();"/", {
  component: hello,
  handler: (_req, ctx) => ctx.render({ title: "Hello world" }),
  folder: "modules/web",


You can find a more complete example in the template repository.

Made with ♡ in Tulungagung